Ken Want

With the price of gas in the modern day, I've looked around at scooters/mopeds a little bit. An interesting thing out there is the 3 wheelers.I pretty much fell in love with the Piaggio MP3 at first site.The nearest quality competition is the Brudeli 625L. It's not as cool looking as the Piaggio, but it looks sturdier and the articles claim it has...

Newly noticed: Photo Attorney

After a very long hiatus, I've been reinfected with the photography bug thanks to acquiring a new digital SLR (some of my recent work is at or can be found on Flickr here (RSS)). And of course, everything has to do with privacy and civil liberties, so I've also become quite interested in the recent "war against photography" (examples here, here, here and here). There are also a few interesting perspectives about...

Congress passes the Broadcast Decency Enforcement Act of 2005

Congress has amended the Federal Communications Act, in response to the super bowl “wardrobe malfunction” of Janet Jackson that caused such controversy. Congress amplified the penalties for “indecent” broadcasts to $325,000 per violation up to a ceiling of $3 million “for any single act.” Penalties are assessed by the FCC. Previously, the most the FCC was empowered to assess for indecent broadcasts was $32,500 per violation. Broadcast Decency Enforcement...

Why is Facebook Trying to Marry Me Off?

Every time I get on Facebook it tries to set me up with someone.Now, not to be too cynical about things, but girls who looked like that weren't too interested in me when I was young and in far better shape. I suspect they aren't going to be more interesting nowadays unless I win the lottery and become a multi-millionai...

Saturday Funnies: the Accused

From Cartoonstock. There are more; I just grabbed the ones which most tickled my fan...

Saturday Funnies: Defense Attorney


SF: Why Defense Attorneys Aren't Allowed to Argue for Jury Nullification


Saturday Funnies: Judge


Saturday Funnies: The Prosecutor


Privacy interests to be considered in publication ban

A long-time friend of this blog just recently sent me a link to a new decision from the British Columbia Supreme Court (R. v. Pickton, 2010 BCSC 1198 ), in which the Court was asked to issue a publication ban to protect the identity of an individual witness for reasons of privacy.The individual applicant had previously been a sex worker and drug addict. In 1997, police laid a charge against Robert Pickton, alleging that he had attempted to murder...

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