No More Beer at the Outdoor Barbecue

At least not in Virginia . . .

We're counting down to 01 July 2010 when the new laws go into affect in Virginia. I've looked through them and most are just slight adjustments to the old laws. However, there's one which I think there'll be a lot of people violating. Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the law which requires you not to let your guests drink unless they are in your house:
7. Any person who keeps and possesses lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages in his residence for his personal use or that of his family. However, such alcoholic beverages may be served or given to guests in such residence by such person, his family or servants when (i) such guests are 21 years of age or older or are accompanied by a parent, guardian, or spouse who is 21 years of age or older and, (ii) the consumption or possession of such alcoholic beverages by family members or such guests occurs only in such residence where the alcoholic beverages are allowed to be served or given pursuant to this subdivision, and (iii) such service or gift is in no way a shift or device to evade the provisions of this title.
The bold part is what the General Assembly added, and YES that means that you cannot invite your buddies over and let them drink your beer outside as you barbecue and that your girlfriend cannot drink that glass of wine with you while you look at the stars on the back porch.

In fairness, I think they were probably trying to make it illegal for minors to drink outside the house, but that law is just a little too overly broad.

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