UK Commissioner calls for complete overhaul of European DP laws

The UK Information Commissioner is calling for a complete overhaul of privacy/data protection in Europe. Think-tank RAND Europe has been commissioned to review the whole state of affairs and report back in April 2009. Watch this space for the results ...

Europe data protection laws not fit for purpose, says ICO

... The current European Directive is "no longer fit for purpose" and European Data Protection law "needs to be modernised to meet the technological and social challenges of the 21st century," the ICO has said.

“European data protection law is increasingly seen as out of date, bureaucratic and excessively prescriptive, said UK Information Commissioner Richard Thomas at the Privacy Laws and Business conference in Cambridge.

"It is showing its age and is failing to meet new challenges to privacy, such as the transfer of personal details across international borders and the huge growth in personal information online. It is high time the law is reviewed and updated for the modern world."

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